Scientology Religion

I never heard about Scientology when I was in high school. Most likely because news didn’t travel so fast back when I was a teenager. I didn’t have a cell phone or a personal computer with which I could freely jump onto the communication lines of the world and pull information from whatever sources were out there. I was more of an outdoorsy kind of guy and didn’t watch a whole lot of TV, but I definitely listened to the radio.
You are talking to a percentage of the population that would hate YOU if you caught their attention enough.
The thing that Scientologists take issue with is the lack of science behind so much of the psychiatric community’s categorizations and diagnoses of these obvious behavioral issues. And even more important, what possible good comes from merely naming a condition when there’s no hard science to prove it, and no cure? All that happens is people are turned into life-long “patients” who come to define themselves and their human experience through the distorted lens of a “condition” they have been told they have.
Sometimes the bar isn’t set very high, like the year my son said that his primary objective for the next 12 months was to “take more warm baths.”
When I started hearing about the “OT levels” I was curious as to why much of it was kept confidential. Over time, I answered my own question. And here it is.
Recently, I've found myself fielding numerous questions about what Scientologists “believe,” so I'm going to address the subject of belief in Scientology in a way you're probably not expecting. Bear with me. First of all, no one is expected to “believe” anything in Scientology.
My wife and I recently had a free weekend and decided to drive to the coast. But as we traveled west, dark clouds rolled in, and by the time we found a motel room, lightning flashed, thunder boomed and the rain poured down.
Since I have been a Scientologist for over 20 years, I feel I’m very qualified to answer this question. I’ll answer it with one word and then I’ll elaborate… Liberating.
It takes a very humble person to admit that, compared to the truth, they don’t matter.
Fellow says, ‘What is the reason for life?’ Oddly enough, the apparent answer to the thing... if he wants a very finite, basic reason, is to help people. That’s apparently a fundamental reason for existence.