Scientology Religion

I was born in 1943, too young to experience World War II. I am Jewish and as I grew older I learned about the Holocaust and the atrocities of the Germans during the time of the Nazis.
I’m no student of world religions, but the ministry seems to be a male-dominated field. In centuries past, women have, for whatever reason, taken a back seat in the religious arena while the men were more involved.
Scientology has given me the key to embracing life as an exciting adventure, not something to endure or hide from. Priceless.
I spend a lot of time outdoors with my kids. Some might say too much. But while there are a lot of lessons one can learn about life at school or from books, I’ve found there are just as many lessons you can get just from exploring the world around you.
A gorgeous cathedral, a footprint on the moon, a powerful electric automobile, a pocket device with tremendous computing power, a best-selling novel that changes the way we see humanity—these achievements did not begin with shovels and wheelbarrows, rockets on the launchpad at Cape Canaveral, engineers assembling circuitry or the outline of a book.
When I was eighteen, I was working the cash register of the family grocery store when a gentleman walked in holding a brown paper sack. He was wearing a sports jacket, nice jeans and a dress shirt and had a pleasant smile.
In 1633, Galileo was tried and found guilty of heresy and confined to house arrest for the remainder of his life for correctly observing that the earth revolved around the sun and not vice versa.
I have the most awesome kid in the world. I know every parent thinks that, but in my case I have empirical evidence to support the claim. At least once a week someone will approach me. It could be my son’s teacher or another faculty member at his school.
I am a Scientologist of over 35 years, and my friends and I are here to tell you that we are no different from you.
I’ve been in Scientology since 1975. For 32 of those years I worked in a Church of Scientology as a staff member. For 19 of those 32 years, I was the Executive Director of the Church of Scientology in Denver. So, I pretty much have seen whatever there is to see in a Church of Scientology.