
The answer to every problem that exists between people or groups is always, always more communication and attempts at understanding, no matter how challenging or even hopeless the odds of a true, productive dialogue seem.
Some might quibble about the differences in our faiths and beliefs. I choose not to. Instead, I choose to join in the prayer for ourselves, for our fellows, for our nation and for the world. I choose to pray for our essential goodness to flourish in all of us.
On the first real day of spring here in central Oregon, I dusted off my bicycle and went for a ride. My neighbors, devout Christians, waved and wished me well. I returned their kindness.
In this season of Passover, Jews around the world celebrate freedom from bondage, a never-before-or-since historical occurrence whereby an entire nation departed in a single day from another nation. But a careful reading of the Bible tells us there was more to this than what many suppose.
This year, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is chillingly well-timed.
There isn’t some mass solution to this. It takes individual action. Or inaction: the simplest thing to do when some bit of hate comes your way is to kill it by not passing it on. Not even a little bit.
The United Nations and its member states have a complicated history with regard to religious freedom.
The government cannot regulate kindness. It is you and me that can really make a difference. And no matter what anyone would have you believe, you actually can make a difference.
The entire premise of our nation’s founding is eliminating tyranny from people’s lives. Prime amongst tyrannies to avoid, and one of the main reasons for the settling of the original American colonies, is religious persecution. Freedom of religion—the very fabric of our country.
Egyptian media, live and online, pounced on the show of fellowship as inappropriate, seditious and treasonous, calling for the Egyptian star to be punished for associating with an Israeli.